At Your Sales Co we understand New Business Sales; here we apply the Your Sales Co ‘Power of 3’ for contacting or prospecting new clients or opportunities with the aim of getting a meeting or video call.
Let’s start with the top 3 ways for your initial communication:
A great way to explain who you are, why you want to talk to them and what you propose as the next step or how they should respond.
Get your intro quickly and gain commitment, use verbal communication to warm them up to what you want to talk to them about.
A more informal way to e-meet someone and let them see who you are for themselves whilst sending a short and succinct message.
Click here to read the article written by Lindsay Mitrosilis about sending better connection messages through Linkedin.
I highly recommend this following process, begin with an email out, follow up with a call & always connect with your prospects on LinkedIn:
Email - Send out an introductory email with a call to action. This can be for a meeting, more information or confirmation of something. Remember to share a benefit or an outcome that they can expect from having a conversation or responding to your email.
Call - Approx 48 hours after sending the email, in step 1, call the contact. The aim of this call is to ensure they received your email, direct their attention to the email to generate engagement, and to follow up on the call to action. You want to find out; Did you receive my email? Does Wednesday or Thursday work better for us to meet/call? Keep it simple and remember - you want to get a meeting from this, not sell to them over the phone!
Make a Connection - Connect with everyone you meet or communicate with, you can personalise a note so they remember how you know them, however if you have just got off a call with them then no explanation is needed.
Example Email for a Service Based Business:
Hi John,
I hope you’re well and having a great week so far.
I am the dedicated South Australian lead for X Company working with businesses in the medical industry focused on improving lead times for equipment and materials. Within the last 3 months we have been able to successfully reduce lead times for a number of Australian businesses which has not only improved their efficiency in clinics but has resulted in an increase of completed appointments which ultimately means a higher billing ratio.
Are you open to a coffee introduction to share more about the potential results and opportunities available to you and to understand your focus areas or goals for the next 6-12 months?
I have good availability on Monday or Tuesday next week, let me know what works best for you and I will share an invite.
Kind Regards,
Always lead with service.
Be specific about what your service or product offering can deliver for them (What’s In It For Me?).
Share examples of how others have succeeded when working with you.
Build relationships through asking questions, sharing information and gaining trust.
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