At Your Sales Co we understand the power of productivity, use our Power of 3 guidelines to achieve more each day and get you closer to your goals. 

Let’s start with your daily ‘To Do List’ - first let’s rephrase this.

Action Items

‘Action Items’ take it from being a list of chores to a list of actions which help you move the needle within your Sales Opportunities and Business. 

Do you have pages of action items but you never seem to really get anywhere or achieve what you wanted to in that day or week? Then this is for you!

If you have more than one list we recommend pulling this into one document titled the ‘Master List’, you can add to this list as much as you need to however you only need to refer to this list as you create your  3 items for the following day. 

Open your Master List and choose 3 items that you can achieve tomorrow…

Choose your items based on these questions:

  • What items can I take off my list that will build momentum tomorrow?

  • What are some quick wins that I can get off the list to allow me to focus on the more important or lengthier tasks? 

  • What items will help me achieve, or get closer, to my weekly/monthly goals? 

  • Can I split any of the tasks down so I can start to chip away at a larger or more time consuming task? 

  • What tasks will empower my clients to take action? 

Write down the 3 Action Items for tomorrow:

  1. _______________________________

  2. _______________________________

  3. _______________________________

Circle the relevant statement: 

I will complete the 3 Action Items tomorrow: First Thing / Before 12 noon / Before COB / Before I go to bed / OTHER (write it here) 

Now you have 3 Action Items and a Timeframe to complete them in.  

If you finish the 3 action items and you want to keep going; note another 3 from the list. 

We recommend you completing your 3 Action Items at the end of the day for the following day.  This removes time to procrastinate and allows you get stuck in to your items as soon as you start your day. 

“I don’t rest until I have achieved my 3 things, no matter what time of day, I get them all crossed off.  The thought of not finishing them and seeing myself lose traction is what keeps me accountable to myself. I now apply the Power of 3 in so many other ways thanks to the Your Sales Co Methods.”

— Toby - Auto Designworks


  • Have a Master List to keep track of all your action items you want to achieve or need to complete.

  • Refer to the Master List at the end of the day and plan your 3 Action Items for tomorrow.

  • Add in your statement to lock in a timeframe to complete your 3 Items.

  • Refer back to the Master List if you need another 3 (ONLY ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE ORIGINAL ITEMS). 

  • Some completed Action Items then lead on to additional tasks, again, simply add these to the Master List (don’t get caught up in the additional items!).

  • Apply this technique to your next 7 days and see the difference it makes to your focus, drive and ultimate achievements for your business and life!  

  • Hold yourself accountable. You need to apply ‘pigheaded discipline’ to this daily routine to really see the result. 

Tag us in your Action Items on Instagram @yoursalesco or drop us a note on how you have found this guide to 
