The order in which you present your pitch (aka offering) can make all the difference between a closed deal and a missed opportunity.  

While the traditional approach often involves leading with your pitch, there's a compelling argument to be made for flipping the script and pitching last. 

When waiting for later in the conversation, you gain invaluable insights that allow you to tailor your pitch precisely to your prospect's needs and aspirations whilst utilising their language to connect on another level. 

So, why pitch later?  

Let's delve into the strategic advantages of this approach: 

1. Understanding Before Presenting: Pitching later enables you to fully understand your prospect's pain points, challenges, and objectives before making your pitch. With this knowledge, you can craft a ‘how we help and what we’re known for’ that speaks directly to their needs, based on what they’ve just shared with you; increasing the likelihood of closing. 

2. Building Credibility Through Listening: By prioritising active listening over pitching, you demonstrate a genuine interest in your prospect's concerns. This builds rapport and credibility, laying the foundation for a more meaningful and productive conversation. 

3. Tailoring Your Message: This is KEY, pitching later allows you to tailor your message based on the insights gleaned from your conversation. Rather than delivering a one-size-fits-all pitch, you can customise your presentation to address the specific pain points and needs of your prospect. 

4. Engaging in Dialogue, Not Monologue: Instead of bombarding your prospect with information they may not resonate with, you engage them in a two-way conversation, fostering collaboration and mutual understanding. 

5. Sealing the Deal with Confidence: Wrap up the learnings that you’ve uncovered during the conversation with a deeper understanding of your prospect's needs and objectives. This confidence shines through in your presentation, instilling trust and confidence in your prospect and increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome. 

This is a strategic approach that allows you to maximise the impact of your sales pitch. By prioritising understanding, tailoring your message, and engaging in meaningful dialogue, you can increase your chances of closing deals and driving sales success. 

So, the next time you find yourself in a sales conversation, hold off on your pitch until you’ve uncovered information from your prospect and use this to match their needs with what you offer.  


