Capability statements – just the mention of them can receive a collective sigh from sales professionals worldwide. Yet, despite their lacklustre reputation, these seemingly boring documents hold the potential to be powerful tools in your sales process.  

Let's dive into what capability statements are, why they matter, and how you can make them work for you. 


What is a Capability Statement? 

A capability statement is a concise overview of your business's offerings – the products and services you provide across various industries. While commonly associated with government contracts and enterprise procurement processes, capability statements can also be utilised in other sales contexts. 


When to Send a Capability Statement 

Understanding when to send a capability statement is crucial. While it may be requested as part of a procurement process, it's essential to qualify the request and ensure it aligns with the client's needs. Avoid mindlessly sending out capability statements in response to vague requests, and instead, seek to engage in meaningful conversations that move the sales process forward. 


Why You Need a Capability Statement 

While it may not seem like the most glamorous tool, it serves a distinct purpose in sales. Here are a few reasons why you need a capability statement: 

  1. Establishing Credibility: A well-crafted capability statement highlights your organisation's expertise, experience, and provides evidence of your capabilities. It gives potential clients confidence in your ability to meet their needs. 

  2. Differentiation: In a competitive marketplace, having a standout capability statement can set you apart from similar businesses. By showcasing unique selling points, testimonials, and use cases, you can demonstrate what makes your offerings special. 

  3. Meeting Procurement Requirements: Many government agencies and large enterprises have specific documents they require from vendors. A capability statement can fulfill these requirements and ensure your business is considered for opportunities. 


Maximising the Impact of Your Capability Statement 

To make your capability statement truly compelling and effective, consider the following tips: 

  1. Tailor It to Your Business: Customise your capability statement to align with your unique value proposition and target audience. Highlight the solutions you offer that specifically address their pain points. 

  2. Show, Don't Just Tell: Utilise testimonials, success stories, case studies, and visuals to bring your offerings to life. Provide evidence of the value you have delivered to previous clients. 

  3. Make It Engaging: Avoid creating a generic and dull capability statement. Tailor it with your brand personality, use appealing visuals, and adopt a conversational tone. Think about what will grab your ideal client's attention and keep them engaged. 

  4. Leverage Collaborative Efforts: Seek input from your marketing department or other teams within your organisation. They can provide valuable insights and support in creating impactful and relevant content. 

Capability statements may not be the most riveting aspect of sales, but when used strategically, they can be a valuable tool in your sales process.  

By taking a proactive approach, focusing on relevance and personalisation, and exploring alternative options, you can transform your capability statements from mundane documents into compelling sales assets. 

So, the next time you're faced with the task of creating

or sending a capability statement, remember – it's not about ticking a box; it's about sparking meaningful conversations and delivering value to your clients. 

We're eager to hear from you, whether you're currently utilising capability statements or exploring alternatives.  

Feel free to reach out to us at and share your insights, experiences, or questions.  


